
10,000 Maniacs band name meaning

Still raving after all these years, this college rock band from Jamestown, New York - although over time the line-up has often been shaken up.

10000 Maniacs - 2001 Maniacs
The band name was taken from a B-movie recorded in 1965, directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis and given a more modest title: Two Thousand Maniacs, to be exact.

It should be added that the original plan was to call the movie Five Thousand Maniacs. May be this caused the band to - quite wrongly – trust on some kind of collective memory and persist in believing that the correct movie title was 10,000 Maniacs.

By the way, in 2005 a horror movie by director Tim Sullivan was brought out entitled 2001 Maniacs. Do not despair; before you know it we will have reached the ten thousand madmen.

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